Be Bear Smart! How To Stay Safe

black vs grizzSpring is here and its time to hit the trails!  But with the warming temperatures come the bears, freshly out of hibernation and very, very hungry.  Aren’t they so cute?!?  Well, most of the time – unless you happen to get too close, especially to a mother with her cubs.

There have been a lot of articles published about the various things to do if its a Brown Bear (Grizzly) vs a Black Bear.  In a moment of intense panic, who is going to remember all of those nuances?  Think you can climb or run?  Don’t even try.  They can scale a tree like a chimpanzee and run faster than a horse.  Use an air horn?  I’ve watched a bear have one fired off within 3 feet of the tip of its nose and just walk around the person holding it.   What should you do? Make noise, wear a bear bell, and carry bear spray – then know what to do when those don’t work.

The recipe for successfully surviving a bear encounter has become simpler thanks to The Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks.  It comes down to only two key factors: Did you surprise the bear or were you being stalked? How close were you when you first saw the bear?  Knowing the appropriate response under each circumstance can save your life.

Use this link to see the official document from the Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks for all the important details.  Share it with your friends and family, and by all means, KEEP YOUR GARAGE DOORS CLOSED AND LOCKED AND YOUR BIRDFEEDERS DOWN AT NIGHT.  Numerous people have been attacked in their own garages or homes after a hungry bear goes dumpster diving in the trash or looking for dog food in a bin, and nuisance bears are often put to death after misguided bird enthusiasts leave bird feeders hanging within reach of a bear.  (And if you don’t think a bear can get to a feeder, just do a quick YouTube search for video of just how agile adult bears can be.  They can climb just about anything.)

Did you know an average 7 pound bird feeder contains 12,000 calories of feed?  What bear going into or coming out of hibernation wouldn’t want an easy snack?  According to Colorado Fish and Wildlife experts, once they find one feeder they will search the surrounding area over and over looking for more.

Enjoy your summer, but be bear smart!  It could save both you and one of Colorado’s most beautiful creatures.


Its Spring! Are you ready for Summer?

Spring is here and its time to get ready for summer fun in Colorado!

If you have any nagging injuries, now is the time to seek treatment.

Does your back feel out of whack? Seek chiropractic and acupuncture care to release the muscles so the bones can stay in place.

Muscle soreness? Seek a combination of a qualified massage therapist and an acupuncturist for fastest relief of painful, tight areas that restrict your range of motion.

Can’t figure out how you keep getting injured? Seek the care of a PT, an acupuncturist who specializes in sports medicine, or a qualified personal trainer. Having a well educated 2nd party analyze your conditions goes a long way to understanding how you can improve your “game” and stay injury-free this season.

At Peak Performance Acupuncture we specialize in sports medicine and training related injuries. We seek to identify the pre-existing problems that created an injury in the first place, and help you eliminate them so you can get back to what you love to do, fast! Give us a call for a free phone consultation to see if we’re your best fit for your treatment needs. 303-668-9900. You may also schedule online via the “Book Now” icon at

New office locations!

Peak Performance Acupuncture Sports Medicine has two office locations to better serve you.

Our Lafayette, Colorado office is at the NW corner of 287 and Baseline Road (Hwy 7), just north of the Walgreens and McDonalds, and is located within the offices of Baseline Chiropractic and Spinal Decompression with Dr. Jason Leach, DC.  489 US Hwy 287, Suite 190, Lafayette, Colorado 80026.  You may scheduled online through via our “Book Now” icon, or by phone at 303.668.9900. Office hours are Tuesdays 8:00am – 7:00pm.  If you don’t see a time that works for you, please contact us by phone for customized service.

Our Evergreen, Colorado office is located just off the Bergen and Evergreen Parkways and is available by appointment only.  Call to make an appointment at 303.668.9900.

We look forward to helping you feel better. Fast!


Dead Butt Syndrome: Seriously?? Yes.

Dead Butt Syndrome is the recently coined term for an inflammatory condition of the gluteus medius muscles (a.k.a. gluteus medius tendinosis) that results in sub-optimal performance…and a funny, waddling, walking gate. If the problem is left untreated, it may affect other areas, such as the knees, Achilles tendon, calves and feet.

How do you know you have it?

  • A deep, gnawing, aching, crushing butt pain may be some of the descriptions that people use.
  • It may refer to the sit bones in your butt, or further down the back of the leg to the calf.
  • It tends to be worse when sitting for a prolonged period of time or in the first few minutes of exercise, gets better while you’re exercising, then gets worse again later.

What can you do about it?

  • Stretch: Your glutes need a gentle warm-up before exercise.
  • Give them another break and stretch during, and after exercise.
  • Avoid certain types of direct pressure: avoid prolonged pressure to the area, like sitting on a wallet for hours at a time.
  • Cross-train: Variety is the spice of life. Muscle groups need a break and cross-training can help increase endurance and decrease your times. Give it a try!

What if it won’t go away?

  • Get rid of the Trigger Points that cause this problem. Schedule an appointment with a qualified sports medicine acupuncturist who is skilled in the treatment of trigger points, often referred to as “dry needling”.
  • It rapidly decreases the tension in the muscles.
  • Allows the underlying nerves to decompress.
  • Increases local circulation to the tissue (which decreases pain).
  • Increases ATP production and enhances sport performance.
  • Increases plyometric strength and explosiveness.

At Peak Performance Acupuncture Sports Medicine, its what we do, every day.

Stop the Dead Butt Syndrome Waddle!! Look for a qualified practitioner in your area, or if you live in Boulder, Colorado you may contact us for further information or to schedule an appointment. 303.668.9900